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3 Tips for choosing reliable USB cables

While USB cables might seem common, their quality varies significantly. Here's what you need to know to keep your tech safe. When seeking a high-…

The most played games on Steam Deck in 2024

Valve has launched a new Steam Charts page that's showcasing the top-played games on Steam Deck. This list is updated daily, allowing users to ex…

Steam rollout native game recording feature: You can now records games & manages storage

Finally, Steam users can record their games natively without needing to download third-party apps or rely on the Windows Game Bar. This new feature i…

Google Latest Software Update: 5 Features coming to Chrome for Mobile

Google, in a blog post, has announced five (5) features that'll be coming to mobile version of its Chrome browser. First, Google said it'll b…

X-ray vision is coming to smartphones

The Texas Researchers have built a tiny new imaging chip that can detect the outlines of objects through barriers such as cardboard or even wall. Ima…

Realme GT 6 makes powerful debut in India - see specifications

Realme GT 6 Launches in India: Sales Begin Today The Realme GT 6 unveiled last week and will officially goes on sale in India today - June 25th, 202…

Amazon Prime Day 2024 commence on July 16 and ends on July 17

Amazon has now officially confirmed that Amazon Prime Day will take place on July 16-17 in the US and the UK , following an accidental leak of the…

WhatsApp's Encryption Battle in India

Over the span of nearly a decade, WhatsApp has maintained a robust end-to-end encryption system, ensuring the confidentiality of chat messages betwee…

Spotify introduces Paywall for Lyrics access

Spotify appears to be implementing a new strategy to encourage its free users to upgrade to a paid subscription by placing lyrics behind a paywall. T…

Tether bolsters surveillance measures to counter illicit Crypto activities

Tether, the world's largest stablecoin tied to the U.S. dollar, has intensified its surveillance of token usage across crypto markets and payment…

U.S. urges China, Russia to commit to human control, not AI, over nuclear weapons

A senior U.S. official, Paul Dean from the State Department's Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability, emphasized during an online brie…

Microsoft invests $2.2 billion in Malaysia's Tech and AI Future

Microsoft is giving Malaysia a lot of money, $2.2 billion, to help with technology. The tech-giamt want to focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and …

Governor Sanwo-Olu pledges support for Workers' Rights and Welfare in Lagos

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, assured workers during the recent Workers’ Day celebration that once the Federal Government gives the green…

Snapchat's 'My AI' Chatbot empowers users with In-App Reminders and Countdowns

Snapchat unveiled a slew of new features aiming to enhance user engagement and productivity. One of the standout additions is the introduction of AI-…

Elon Musk's Silence on Tesla's Model 2 raises Investor concerns amid strategic uncertainty

Elon Musk has left investors in suspense following his cryptic social media posts subsequent to a Reuters report on April 5, revealing that Tesla had…
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