How to Unpair Apple Watch Without iPhone

Here's the simple step-by-steps guides to unpair your Apple SmartWatch from your iPhone without the iPhone in question.
Apple Watch: How to Unpair without iPhone

Disconnecting your Apple Watch from iPhone without the iPhone connected to the Smartwatch is a simple thing to do with just few process. Infact, it's more simpler than the process of unpairing your Apple Watch from iPhone when connected to each other.

So, unpairing Apple Watch without iPhone or maybe you cannot remember the Smartwatch passcode/password, here is a simple step-by-steps instructions that will guide you through disconnecting your Watch without iPhone or Apple's passcode.

Disconnect Apple Watch without iPhone and Passcode

Follow these steps to unpair your Apple's SmartWatch without its connected iPhone.

Methods of Unpairing Apple Watch without iPhone using Resetting Options
  • To start the process, first of all plug in charger to the Apple Watch.
  • Press-hold the side button as if you're going to turn it off.
  • While holding the side button, do a firm press on the power button.
  • Now, flip the power off option and let it go.
  • On the next screen, tap on "Erase all contents and settings", as highlighted in the image above.

Unpair Apple Watch with Device Passcode

Alternatively, you can also unpair your Apple Watch without iPhone using the Watch passcode. Here's how:

  • Go-to "Settings" on your Apple Watch.
  • Tap on "General"
  • Tap on "Reset"
  • Input your Apple Watch's Passcode

Now, all the Watch settings and contents, including wiping off all the connected devices, will reset automatically. However, the better and faster option is the first steps highlighted above.

Unpair Apple Watch on iCloud

Disconnecting Apple Watch from connected iPhone can also be done through iCloud. All that's needed is login to your Account on Mac or any Apple devices, then remove your Apple Watch under "Settings" >> "My Devices".

I hope these methods of unpairing Apple Watch from connected iPhone helps solve your problems? If you have any other questions, please feel free to use the comments section. We promise to reply as fast as possible. Cheers!

About the Author

Favour Okeibunor is a Software Engineer, Financial and Tech writer, blending financial expertise with storytelling skills to simplify complex Financial and technology topics for readers and clients alike.

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