How to Stop Flexi Loan on PalmPay

Here is the simple processes of stopping or deactivating Flexi Credit of PalmPay from accessing and messaging your phone contacts.
PalmPay Flexi Cash Loan and Credit

To stop Flexi on PalmPay is simple. But the very first question I'd love to ask is that, do you still have outstanding Flexi Credit Loan? If yes, then it's recommended to pay up your loan to avoid harassment and threatenings.

However, if you've repay all your loan and you're still get notifications from Flexi Loan on the PalmPay App, here's how to stop it or deactivate completely.

Flexi Loan, otherwise known as Flexi Cash or Flexi Credit is a PalmPay Loan Features that allows customers to get short term loan to cater for their urgent needs.

The PalmPay Flexi Cash Loan can be received/approved depending on the inflow and outflow of money in your PalmPay wallet. This is certainly working base on your credit history with the PalmPay company.

Hence, to get a Flexi Cash Loan, you must have a good record on credit history on the PalmPay app. However, it's also important to note that the Flexi Credit have limitations and invitation code for referring PalmPay users to obtain loans.

Meanwhile, we are going to be discussing how to stop Flexi on PalmPay. Now, let's get started without any Foda-ado.

How to Deactivate Flexi on PalmPay

Follow these steps to deactivate or stop Flexi Credit Loan on your PalmPay App.

  • Login to your PalmPay Account via App.
  • Tap on "Finance" tab
  • Tap on "Flexi Cash"
  • If you have repay outstanding balance, pay up.
  • But, if you've balanced up your loan, tap on "Deactivate"
  • Your Flexi Cash Account will be closed.

To re-activate it, you can always go to the "FINANCE" menu tab, click on "Flexi Cash" and you will see the available amount you can borrow, tap on it to activate the balance and it will be credited to your Flexi Account.

You can use Flexi Credit to purchase Airtime, subscribe to cable TV, buy data, fund betting Account and more on the PalmPay App.

I hope you find this article interesting and helpful. Please, share with your friends and family who's getting problem with PalmPay's Flexi Cash Loan and want to stop it from accessing their phone. Ciao!

About the Author

Favour is a Software Engineer & Writer

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