Governor Sanwo-Olu pledges support for Workers' Rights and Welfare in Lagos

Gov Sanwo-Olu pledges to improve workers' lives, promising action on the minimum wage and fuel scarcity during the recent Workers’ Day celebration
Governor Sanwo-Olu

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, assured workers during the recent Workers’ Day celebration that once the Federal Government gives the green light, his administration will promptly implement the new minimum wage. This commitment underscores his dedication to improving the livelihoods of workers across the state.

Addressing concerns about fuel scarcity, Governor Sanwo-Olu urged residents to avoid panic buying and assured them that efforts are underway to resolve the situation. He emphasized that there's an ample supply of fuel and distribution will be intensified to alleviate the scarcity.

Expressing gratitude for the hard work and resilience of Lagos State workers, the governor promised to review their demands, ensuring that their welfare remains a top priority. He highlighted various initiatives aimed at supporting residents, including subsidized food programs like Ounje Eko and Eko Cares, as well as healthcare and educational opportunities for all.

Governor Sanwo-Olu reiterated his administration's commitment to creating an inclusive society where workers receive the support they need to thrive. He emphasized the importance of investing in education, training, and skills development to empower the workforce and drive progress.

Leaders of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) praised Governor Sanwo-Olu for his proactive measures in addressing workers' concerns, particularly in implementing wage awards and other welfare programs. They emphasized the alignment between the government's focus on people-first policies and the core values of prioritizing citizens' well-being.

The State Commissioner for Establishment and Training and the Lagos State Head of Service echoed these sentiments, highlighting the government's dedication to enhancing the welfare and empowerment of workers. They emphasized the significance of the theme "People First" in reflecting the administration's commitment to prioritizing the interests of workers and citizens alike.

The May Day celebration saw the participation of over 50 unions from various sectors, demonstrating solidarity and unity among workers in both the public and private sectors. This collective effort underscored the importance of workers' rights and the need for continued support from the government.

About the Author

With five years experience in Media, Temmy Samuel's become a modern journalist, delivering impressive reporting about tech, finance, business and science around the world. More About Temmy

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